Words from St. Therese

“On Nov 20th, we had a papal audience. Our emotion was profound when we saw Pope Leo XIII enter the chapel to celebrate Holy Mass. After blessing the numerous pilgrims gathered around him, he climbed the steps of the altar and showed us through his piety, worthy of the Vicar of Jesus, that he was truly ‘the Holy Father.’”
-St. Therese of Lisieux
Our Thanksgiving Prayer
God, our Holy Father, we are so grateful that we have a Pope who loves people and challenges us to live the Gospel values of Jesus, Your Son and our brother. He gives us such great renewed hope to our Church, to Christianity and to the whole human family. Our hearts are thankful that he helps us ascend the steps of our higher nature as Your beloved daughters and sons. His simplicity and humility ennobles us all. Thank you for blessing us with such a Good Father and Universal Shepherd.