Schedule of Events

We are joyously anticipating celebrating St. Therese’s Feast Day on October 1st, 2024 at her National Shrine in Darien, Illinois. We hope you’ll join us this year in remembering our beloved Little Flower and the example she leaves us through her “Little Way.”


Join us in person at the National Shrine of St. Therese

Join us for our Feast Day Celebration in Darien on October 1st, 2024.
Please note all Masses will take place in the National Shrine of St. Therese

11:30 AM ⁠— Morning Feast Day Mass, Veneration of St. Therese’s Relic, Blessing of the Roses
1:30 PM ⁠— Talk on St. Therese in the Museum (directly across from the National Shrine building)
3:00 PM ⁠— Afternoon Feast Day Mass, Veneration of St. Therese’s Relic, Blessing of the Roses
5:00 PM ⁠— Evening Feast Day Mass, Veneration of St. Therese’s Relic, Blessing of the Roses

National Shrine of St. Therese, 8433 Bailey Rd., Darien, Illinois
National Shrine Museum of St. Therese, 8501 Bailey Rd., Darien Illinois

Join us from home and download our free Novena Prayer Booklet

Please join the Carmelites in praying our St. Therese Feast Day Novena beginning on September 22nd.
Join us from home and download our free Novena Prayer Booklet.

Feast Day Novena Reminder Signup Form

If you would like to receive emails reminder for St. Therese Feast Day Novena Prayers , please sign up below.

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Return here to view the Feast Day Mass October 1st

We’ll be posting a video of the Feast Day Mass and Blessings of the roses right here after 1:30pm on October 1st.


Submit Your Feast Day Intentions

Thank you for your prayerful participation and financial support. You make the Little Flower’s mission of love possible.

Receive a Special Gift

With your gift of $25 or more, you’ll receive a beautiful St. Therese rosary to use to strengthen your devotion to our beloved saint.
Thank you for your generous donation that we’ll use to share God’s love.

St. Therese Feast Day Novena

Item #FEST

Suggested donation: $25.00

Donation Amount
Check here if you want the beautifully crafted St. Therese Rosary
