Words of St. Therese

“Our Lord never asks sacrifices from us beyond our strength. At times, it is true this Divine Savior makes us feel all the bitterness of the chalice that He is offering our soul. When He asks the sacrifice of all that is precious in this world, it is impossible, without a very special grace, not to cry out like Him in the garden of agony… It is very consoling to think that Jesus, the Strong God, knew our weaknesses.”
-St. Therese of Lisieux
Our Thanksgiving Prayer
Good God, the sufferings and struggles of life are a challenge to bear. Yet I am most grateful that You believe in my strength and ability to learn from them. Jesus knows our human weakness and fear – Your mercy embraces our struggles. I am so grateful that Your Merciful Heart knows and understands my weakness, rather than judges and frowns. Your awesome Presence carries me through the darkness. Thank you!