Opening Prayer

St. Therese, beloved friend, we come before you in our need. We believe that you listen to us and approach God for and with us. Please accept these petitions, hopes, needs, and dreams I list below. Please present them to our Loving Father so that God may do what is best for us, for our loved ones, and for the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom. We ask you, dear friend, with the bold confidence and loving surrender you taught us. We make these prayerful petitions in the name of Jesus and through the power of His Spirit.

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Send us your private prayer petitions to be remembered in the daily offices and Mass said by the Carmelites at the National Shrine of St. Therese.

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- United States

St Theresa please ask our holy Father to grant SK with the knowledge to pass his medical residency test. Please also ask our holy Father to heal Colleen Alexandra and Michelle. Please also ask our holy Father to bless Chase Lyla Landon Harry Jack Amy and Edward. Please also ask our holy Father to heal 'baby' Edith Raymond Dennis Phil Paul Laura Colleen Dave Michelle Jane Mindy Alexandra Susan Ivette and Vera. Please also ask our holy Father to bless sbk and SK with success in their medical studies. Please also ask our holy Father to help with work situation. Thank you. I will forever sing your praises.


- United States

Jesus i surrender myself to You please take care of everything safe travels thank you Jesus Christ


- United States

Please pray for Robert Cletus Driscoll (Deceased)…
Please pray for Bobby’s eternal rest!!!
Bobby suffered from drugs. He ended up homeless and alone.
He was found in an abandoned building in NYC.
There no electricity, no running water, and no heat.
He died in the month of March.
He must have felt all alone and that no one cared.
He needs us to care…please implore God’s mercy for him.


''Dear Holy Mother, every child knows that in a home when they stand in need they can go to mother. They know mother has the answers and mother can meet every need. When things go wrong, every child knows that mother can make things right for them…Mother will stand with them when they have to face father.
The Holy Souls are in great need. In that dark dungeon of gloom, may a ray of Christ light shine for them…Holy Mother, Robert Cletus Driscoll (Bobby Driscoll) needs your good help, your loving care, and your fervent prayers. Please encourage Bobby and all the Holy Souls in Purgatory in the name of Jesus Christ…Amen’’


- United States

Breakthrough for my Simon’s work! Please give him wisdom, understanding and comfort him.


- United States

TY for praying for us…I bring all of my prayers, pleas, praises and supplications with thanksgiving to the Lord…TY Abba…IJMNA


- United States

Holy Mother, May is the month that we remember you. Yet, every month is a month that you always remember us. Would that our love for you would be as great as your love for us…
I know that you love Robert Cletus Driscoll (Bobby Driscoll). You are still his Mother.
Just because Bobby has died, it does not mean that you forget him.
Holy Mother, please Bless Bobby’s soul. Heal his soul.Please welcome him into the Glories of Heaven…Please smile upon Bobby. Please encourage him and inspire him.
Please shower down your roses upon him.
Bless us all of your children; please give us the grace to find our way home to Heaven…
Jesus, Mary, St Joseph save us in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ…amen


- United States

Dear Saint Teresa, please let Sam rest in peace. Please help me get stronger and better. Please heal me. Please don’t let me have cancer or heart trouble. Please help my two sisters and our family and friends that have good health, happiness and love. Please keep everyone safe always and bring us all back to the church. Please help Sara‘s life to get stronger and better Miriam also please let Sam Buns aunt Mary Naz, Tony rest in peace. Please help Kevin Shelly, Rose myself be healthy, and feel better. Thank you Saint Theresa from the bottom of my heart. Amen.


- United States

Dear saint Therese please let my daughter be safe on her trip for these next 3 weeks please let her come and live back home soon so she can work and save for a home. Keep me safe while she is gone . Amen


- United States

Dear St. Therese,

Help me overcome the depression that has overtaken my life, deprived me of my potential, disappointed my loved ones, and stolen my joy. Help me to feel motivated, optimistic, energetic, and productive. I feel I've lost myself, my dreams and aspirations, and that life is passing by without my participation. I feel so sad, so meaningless, and nothing helps. I come to you in prayer, asking for your grace and intercession on my behalf so that I may feel whole again and worthy of life.


- United States

Please god and st therese please bless my brother with this job. He has suffered and stayed in gods light please allow him this grace and to find happiness in the lords blessings and grace in his every step. Please angels calling upon your help in each step to this success. Thank you for always sharing your showering of roses on earth I hope my brother receives your rose today as his sign



- United States

“Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s Heart.” Padre Pio

Dear Padre Pio, you had a great love for God, Jesus Christ, and The Blessed Mother. Your prayers touched many. Sinners were saved. The blind could see and the sick were healed. You helped many in life and now from Heaven you help many more.
Please pray for Robert Cletus Driscoll (Bobby Driscoll) Drugs took his life. He died all alone. He suffered.
Dear Padre Pio, please help Bobby. Please uplift him in prayer to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ and The Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please implore God’s mercy and grace.
Encourage him.Bless him. Help him.
Please pray for pardon and peace for Bobby’s soul.
Please welcome Bobby into the Glories of Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ…Amen

“My past, O Lord, to your mercy, My present to your love. My future to your providence” Padre Pio


- United States

Little flower thank you for answered prayers please hear and answer my prayers for financial help to get us back on track with finding moving into paying for and keeping good safe affordable 3 bedroom housing for the four of us and pets in Fresno and that I get the loan please bind all obstacles and evil that prevent this cast them to the feet of Jesus please open doors create opportunities soften hearts of those who can help to help like Carmella Robert sandy Jim kathi debi Thelma please protect holy mother church her holy priests end the war convert Russia please save my immortal soul my family's friends immortal souls from hell save our country n world release the souls of purgatory help those in need please remember the soldiers of the rosary the sons n daughters of St Joseph the releasers their respective families please help Jessica with her mental physical medical issues that she rest restore bind Corey's tongue Amy needs to repay the money she took protect Jessica n Jacob from all evil n obstacles I pray for baptism of desire for the souls in limbo that connie leave the littles with nick she go away bind the evil that is Randal Gabriel Olivia Patrick viktor that Randal take his dog bind Jacobs addiction to weed keep us safe n fed n warm n healthy bind all hackers n thieves from our accounts n belongings bless our finances please restore our belongings that were stolen lost Jacob needs a good safe job n to b in school I need a reliable vehicle in Jesus name I pray


- Philippines

Dear St. Therese,

I pray to you oh sweet little flower of God to please listen to my heart and my prayers. I pray that my children may be successful in the field they choose. I pray to thee that whatever they wish they may achieve. I am praying to you. Please hear my prayers. And lastly, I pray that I may walk and work again.


Michael N.


- United States

St Theresa, the one job I really wanted did not work out. I am disappointed and scared. I need a full time job.. I have to trust that you have something better on the horizon for me. Something with good benefits, a decent pay and a good location. Maybe this job for the town? I need someone to take a chance on me. Someone to hire me. Please help me. I ask that things start to go my way on the job front.


- United States

St. Theresa please ask our holy Father to grant SK with the knowledge to pass his medical residency test. Please also ask our holy Father to bless Chase Lyla Landon Harry Jack Amy and Edward. Please also ask our holy Father to heal Michelle Alexandra Colleen. Please also ask our holy Father to heal 'baby' Edith Raymond Dennis Phil Paul Laura Colleen Dave Michelle Jane Mindy Alexandra Susan Ivette and Vera. Please also ask our holy Father to bless sbk and SK with success in their medical studies. Please also ask our holy Father to help with work situation. Thank you. I will forever sing your praises.
