Opening Prayer
God of Revelation, Your Word always has power. Your Word became enfleshed in Jesus so that we could understand You in human terms. Your Word inspires, transforms and empowers. It never returns to You void or empty. Your Word transforms us into Your sons and daughters, the living Body of Your Christ, and the instruments of creating Your Reign. Increase in us reverence for Your Word that we may rejoice in Your presence. Make us a people assembled and unified around Your Word. May it transform us into messengers of Your good news and peace. Empower us to respect the way people listen to our witness and to leave where we are not welcomed rather than condemning or demeaning people. Teach us again the lesson that it is not about our success but about Your love. Continue to speak to us, God of Revelation, that we might be impregnated with Your Word and speak today in the human language of love understood by all, that the fullness of Your reign might be born.
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