Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Genesis 2: 18-24
Second Scripture Reading
Hebrews 2: 9-11
Gospel Reading
Mark 10: 2-16

Opening Prayer

God of Life, you made us in your image, male and female. Renew our faith that we need each other and are not self-sufficient or complete. Give us renewed reverence for marriage and our relational covenants in an age of disposable everything. Empower us to be faithful to our word and each other — to be as faithful as you are! Enlighten us also to know when relationships are destructive. Teach us reverence for the equality, mutuality and diversity of our male and female gifts. Lord Jesus, thank you for being our brother in this human journey. You know our complexity and duplicity — embrace us with faithful mercy. Make your whole family one with life-giving power. Help us not to discard each other simply out of inconvenience or other choices. Shine and hone your image in us, faithful God!

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