Opening Prayer
Jesus, you are the eternal dawn, announcing and bringing God’s soothing light. I want to grab and embrace all the opportunities you gift me with. My spirit is willing. My flesh is weak. You must look puzzled at me, with the shadowy heap of good intentions which never become life or action. I’m sorry that I am so confusing. I am awed and inspired by Your dreams, but I let them die in my unfaithful heart. Empower me to free the life of your Risen Body, living, struggling, stretching, and groping in this world. With your eternal light, gift me with discernment to know what is right and Your will in our confusing world of shadows. Sometimes, I simply don’t know. Your light is blinding as it is enlightening. Give me sight to see the signs of your presence and your Spirit breaking through. Empower me beyond the needs of little heart and self-centered ego, that I might live for Your complete Body, which is being born into the fullness of life.
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