Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Isaiah 55: 6-9
Second Scripture Reading
Philippians 1: 20c-24, 27a
Gospel Reading
Matthew 20: 1-16a

Opening Prayer

Holy One, You are beyond and within! So far away and yet so intimately close. We need the power of Your presence and the transcendence of Your dreams to make us like you. Humble us to be able to call upon You and live from the life- giving power of Christ. Humble us to know that Your ways are not our ways, and always stretch us. Teach us Your justice. Awe us with Your generosity. Empower us not to be jealous at Your generosity to others. Transform us to work for Your justice instead of just for our success and enrichment. You are so far beyond us, Holy God, and Your presence within stretches and molds us! Thank You!

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