Opening Prayer
Even when we lose track or forget Your Word, You invite us to find it again. Your Word is eternally spoken in our hearts. God of Love, You are faithful to Your covenant, even when we falter. Call us back to You, and make us more faithful to Your expectations of us. Give us the wisdom to know Your truth amid all the voices which shout at us. It is a confusing time with all the prophets speaking – we don’t know the sheep from the wolves. Give us the patience to watch the fruits of the tree blossom before we judge it. Re-fertilize and till us again, Lord of the garden, before You even think of chopping us down. Empower us to believe that You are the vine and we are simply Your branches. Blossom and leaf out in us, Lord. Prune us so that our forgetful, evil, violent and fatal instincts do not destroy the whole tree.
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