Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious

First Scripture Reading
Revelation 5: 1-10
Gospel Reading
Luke 19: 41-44

Opening Prayer

Wow, Jesus! The heavenly Jerusalem and its Divine Liturgy of the Lamb are so rich and awesome! Thank you for being the One who can open the seal and read the Scrolls of Life, and inscribe us in the Heart of the Lamb! Your surrender on the Cross as Passover Lamb and Your victory over death and darkness make You worthy and open us to the Divine Peace which is Jerusalem, our hope and destiny. I hope You are not weeping over us today as You wept over Jerusalem, which got so trapped inside liturgical purity and rubrics, that they were blinded and hardened to Your Presence. We are self-destructive, Lord – save us from ourselves and our need to make sure the container is pure, while not properly understanding and reverencing the contents, which is Your saving Presence. Save us from getting focused on the externals and accidentals, and center us on Your Truth – Your Peace – Your Presence! The biblical “seven” speaks of the fullness and completion You are calling us to – help us to trust You as You complete Your reign and fill us with the power and presence of Your Spirit. InSpirit us to perceive and embrace the mysterious and powerful Reality beyond and within our reality today.!

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