Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Philemon 7-20
Gospel Reading
Luke 17: 20-25

Opening Prayer

Jesus, Savior and Brother, we long for the fulfillment of Your reign. We yearn and work for Your dream of justice, forgiveness and peace for all Your sisters and brothers. Yet what we hope for is already here – like silent yeast, embedded within – Your reign and presence transforming, uplifting and fulfilling. Help us to tap into Your Energy and Spirit, so that we can embrace all people and experiences as useful for Your reign. We sometimes deem and dismiss others as useless and unimportant. Teach us to know that they are our brothers and sisters, the ambassadors of Your love, the challenging sign of Your presence. Empower us to trust our best and risk our hearts to proclaim Your reign.

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