Monday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Romans 11: 29-36
Gospel Reading
Luke 14: 12-14

Opening Prayer

God of Justice and Mercy, You want all people to share in the banquet of your love and life. Jesus was such a powerful example of following Your will – he worked with criminals, slaves, poor and discarded people – those oppressed by social, racial, and economic injustice and discrimination. He showed Your compassionate Face in a very human way. You are such an awesome and loving God. You have been so merciful and understanding of me. Knowledge of how compassionate and unconditional is Your love overwhelms my soul. You are so good! You move me to tears. I could never deserve the love You have lavished on me. I seek only to be faithful to You and to build Your house where all Your children are welcomed. Help me not to be selective in my love and service. Teach me to welcome each and every person You send into my life. Help me to welcome all people, especially those who are fragile, forgotten, and forsaken – those I’m uncomfortable with. Empower me to welcome them to the banquet of Your love and justice by the way I treat and share with them today. Give me sight to see their beauty and Your face in them.

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