Saturday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Amos 9: 11-15
Gospel Reading
Matthew 9: 14-17

Opening Prayer

It is so exciting that You are not giving up on us, Faithful God. You will replant the garden we devastated and wine will again brighten our days. You will lift us from the disaster and ruins we created and empower us again to be Your people. Your faithfulness is so much stronger than our sinfulness. Because You have come among us in Jesus, we are changed. We are not condemned to our old ways. Your new wine transforms us and our world. You really are the faithful spouse who continues to espouse and betroth Yourself to us even when we are unfaithful and a separation might be justified. Your garden is blossoming again in our souls. Your Word is powerful seed. I’m drunk with excitement over Your endless and forgiving love!

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