Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
1 Kings 19: 16b, 19-21
Second Scripture Reading
Galatians 5: 1, 13-18
Gospel Reading
Luke 9: 51-62

Opening Prayer

Eternal Voice, You keep calling us, with gentle whispers, relentless invitations and subtle screams. At times we flee You, blocking our ears or filling our hearts with evasive excuses. Give us the wholehearted responsiveness of Elisha. With enthusiasm, he sacrificed his family and shared his resources to feed others. With reckless and destructive abandon we keep chewing each other up because we are slaves to our selfish needs. Give us Christ’s freedom of service. Empty us of the heavy burdens we place on ourselves that we can freely respond to You. Free us so that we do not look back and count the cost. Give Your self-emptying Spirit and the freedom that comes from You. Help us to be Your followers, Lord Jesus, walking and working toward Your reign. We need Your fire from heaven so that we can continue to listen to You and follow Your lead.

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