Wednesday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Hebrews 10:11-18
Gospel Reading
Mark 4:1-20

Opening Prayer

Jesus, Priest of the new covenant, be with the priests and servants of Your Church today.  Help them to follow in Your footsteps by challenging the best in us.  InSpirit them to challenge the good, holy and just within us.  Empower them to celebrate Your presence and proclaim Your Word of love deep in our hearts.  Make us all instruments of Your forgiveness and reconciliation.  Let the seed of Your Word sink deep within them that they may  nurture Your harvest.  Make good soil of each and all of us so that Your Word might penetrate deeply, sink root, and blossom in God’s reign.  Make us holy, Lord Jesus!  Speak Your transforming Word so that we might transform our world in the justice of God’s harvest.

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