Tenth Week of Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
2 Corinthians 3: 15-4:1, 3-6
Gospel Reading
Matthew 5: 20-26

Opening Prayer

God of Light, You have ripped away the veil, so that we can see You face to face in Jesus. In the outpouring of Your Spirit we have been transformed into Your glorious and beloved Anointed. Your image is honed and shines in us. Save us from self-created darkness. Preserve us from the strange ways we choose not to see the face of Christ in each other. Enlighten us, Sparkling God. Teach us to love and forgive each other. Never let us hypocritically approach your altar with the heavy darkness of withheld forgiveness oppressing us or others. Transcend our darkness, Eternal Light – and shine in us today!

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