Opening Prayer
Thunderous God of mountains, we often seek you in the turbulent activities of our lives. Like Elijah, we look for you in the hectic winds, upheavals, earthquakes, and firestorms of life. But You ask us to be still in the silent cave of our hearts, that we can hear you whisper. Calm us, Holy God! Give us the internal silence to listen to You among all the shouts and screams within and around us. Gentle our spirits that we can be still and know that You are God. In Jesus, we hear Your law heightened and tightened. Help us not only to purify our actions, but also our thoughts, motives and judgments. Purify us, God of silence, that we can hear and be present to You.
In 1884, Therese Martin received the Sacrament of Confirmation, so that the Spirit of Jesus would unite her more closely with God’s triune Love and strengthen her with a more mature faith. Help us, tender Therese, to appreciate the gift of God’s Spirit that we receive in Baptism and Confirmation and to use the Gifts to serve others and draw them closer to God. God’s Breath is so powerful in the way it transforms and strengthens us. Teach us again this day that Jesus has never abandoned us and lives and breathes within and among us.
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