Sixth Week of Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
James 1: 12-18
Gospel Reading
Mark 8: 14-21

Opening Prayer

Jesus, like the disciples in the boat, sometimes I’m so focused on my immediate needs and my limited resources to fill those needs. Yet, you want me to see the big picture of your saving action: how emptying the human heart in sharing and surrender is the real yeast of salvation. Sometimes the suspicious righteousness of the Pharisees and the paranoid power of Herod is the yeast I let ferment my soul. My passion to be always right and in control lead me to sin. It is as if I am fighting you to play God with my limited passions and resources. Knead me to know that you are the real yeast who ferments, empowers, and expands all goodness and nurturance within me. Teach me to surrender to the power of your Spirit that you might be born and blossom in me today.

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