Sixth Sunday of Easter

First Scripture Reading
Acts 8: 5-8, 14-17
Second Scripture Reading
1 Peter 3: 15-18
Gospel Reading
John 14: 15-21

Opening Prayer

Gentle Jesus, Risen Lord, lay Your Hands gently upon us and call forth Your Divine Spirit. Transform us and our world with signs and wonders so that gentleness and reverence may replace the violence and rashness which permeate our thoughts, judgments and actions. Thank You for not leaving us orphans, even though we sometimes feel alone. Increase our faith to know that Your Spirit dwells deep within as you gift of faithfulness and friendship. Your love is our power. Your love is God’s presence. Lay Your Hands gently upon us, Lord Jesus! Let your arms gently embrace us and firmly squeeze us, Good Lord, Divine Friend, Ever-present Spirit! We want to love You and one another the way You love us!

Bless our Moms today, and all the women who give us life and nurture us, as a reflection and human expression of Your maternal love for us!

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