Wednesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Jeremiah 1: 1, 4-10
Gospel Reading
Matthew 13: 1-9

Opening Prayer

Awesome God of Revelation, speak your Word! It is breathtaking to believe that You have known and called from all eternity. When Your Word takes hold of me and embraces my heart, I get nervous. I’m sorry for the excuses I throw up so that I can ignore the promptings of Your prophetic Spirit. Root me again in Your truth so that Your powerful Word can be spoken and heard – so that progress of Your reign can continue. Make rich soil of me and people around me, that we might receive Your Word and be productive and fruitful today. InSpirit us with the courage to overcome whatever cowardice shrinks us and prevents us from being pregnant and empowered by Your Word. Yes, Lord, speak again the voice I have known from all eternity that I might claim my truth and, today, speak only Your truth.

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