Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
1 Kings 3: 5, 7-12
Second Scripture Reading
Romans 8: 28-30
Gospel Reading
Matthew 13: 44-52

Opening Prayer

Giver of All Gifts, we echo the prayer of Solomon for wise and understanding hearts. We are so sensitive to so many vibrations and sounds from within, that we need Your help and Your eternal voice. Refine us to listen carefully and discern what is good. Continue to conform us to the image of Your Son Jesus, who is Your human image. Gift us with passion for your reign. Whether we seek buried treasure, fine pearls, cast nets or gather old and new, may we be searching people, motivated and empowered by Your reign. Touch us with Your passion so understanding and listening hearts and searching and active minds seek Your reigning presence among us. Calm us so that we can listen and understand!

Therese, it must have been frightening when you received the “last rites” this day in 1897. Was it the signal that medical and Church people had given up and were preparing you for the final journey to God? The grace of the sacrament must have helped you in those last dark weeks to know that God was still present even though you experienced His absence. Give us your faith, Therese, to believe even when all seems dark and empty.

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