Saturday Of The Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20
Gospel Reading
Mark 12: 38-44

Opening Prayer

Generous God, You invite us to reflect and share your generosity. Teach us to thank You and proclaim Your marvelous deeds by the way we share what You have given us. Give us the humility of the widow who gives from her core, not from her extra. InSpirit us with reverence for those who walk through life’s journey with us, as they are part of the treasure You have enriched us with. Empower us to trust that You know the motives of our hearts, and therefore we do not need the affirmation of others, which moves us to flaunt our piety and generosity. Humble us to honor all people, no matter where they are seated at the table of life’s resources. May Your healing power never tolerate us abusing any one of Your children. Thank you for the Raphaels of our lives whose healing presence reveals Your divine attention to us and communicates Your glory! Give us generous hearts, like Yours!

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