Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

First Scripture Reading
Is 50:4-7
Second Scripture Reading
Phil 2:6-11
Gospel Reading
MK 14:1-15:47 or Mk 15: 1-39

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus, my heart soars as you come triumphant down the messianic Mount of Olives into the Jerusalem of our lives. Yet, even as I hail you with palm branches, I’m sorry that I have expectations of you which ultimately reject you. I’m so fickle! Cheering you as champion one minute – enraged at you the next, as if my needs had messianic significance. Thank you for being faithful to God – and so faithful in love to us as you empty yourself in your journey to the depths of the human experience. Help me to empty myself of false and selfish expectation. Enable me to walk with you as you embrace the suffering we impose on each other. Make this holy week a holy journey of conversion for me – because of your great, self- emptying love!

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