Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Wisdom 18: 6-9
Second Scripture Reading
Hebrews 11: 1-2, 8-19
Gospel Reading
Luke 12: 32-48

Opening Prayer

God of Abraham and Sarah, You created a people and gave them a homeland, yet they were still strangers and foreigners. Your mighty wonders carried and expanded them through history. They trusted You as You drew them closer. In Jesus, You have made a home among us, and yet we still experience being strangers and foreigners. Some restless part of us never finds a home – and will search until we rest in You. Continue to pour forth Your Spirit of trust and promise. Keep us alert to the subtle ways and surprising times You come to us. You have blessed and entrusted us with so much – may we not squander the responsibility You have given us to create Your reign and the homeland of Your Son.

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