Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

First Scripture Reading
Isaiah 49: 1-6
Second Scripture Reading
Acts 13: 22-26
Gospel Reading
Luke 1: 57-66, 80

Opening Prayer

John, your birth was the confirming sign for Mary. Your birth was a source of confusion and a sign of hope for a barren couple. Your birth announces the momentum of God’s saving presence. From your mother’s womb you were destined to be a sharp-edged sword which would cut to the heart of God’s presence and activity. Cut to the heart of our disbelief, John. Excite us again about Jesus and God’s presence in our world. Call us forth from our muted disbelief and barrenness to see and believe in the glorious, mysterious presence of God fulfilling covenant dreams. Announce the truth to us again, John. We need to hear the disturbing and wonderful truth.

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