Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Hebrews 1:1-6
Gospel Reading
Mark 1: 14-20

Opening Prayer

Faithful and Responsive God, you have been reaching out to us from the beginning.  You have been calling us home.  You have been calling us to share Your message of life and justice.  In Jesus, You have spoken Your Word in the most definitive and human way.  And he calls us and sends us to proclaim Your freeing message of forgiveness.  I sometimes wonder why You don’t call the powerful and popular to get Your message across.  Jesus calls simple fishermen.  You seem to delight and work best through the simple, natural and normal, even though we expect You in the dramatic, theatrical and supernatural.  Help me to be comfortable with my weakness, ineffectiveness and powerlessness so that You can work easily through me and I can acknowledge You as God and Jesus as Savior.  On the shore of my life, call me again, Jesus, and I will follow.  Reveal to me that I need to abandon to walk with you more freely.  In you I experience a challenge that is rich and a warmth that is home.

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