Opening Prayer
Royal God, Sovereign of the Universe, You seem hurt that Your people wanted an earthly king. You warned them of the oppression and equality which would follow from having a King other than You. But they would not listen. I cannot throw stones, as so often I am wrestling with You over who is sovereign in my life. I want You to be king, but I still want to be in charge. May Your compassion smile at the duplicity of my heart. Like the cynics in the synagogue, I need physical signs of Your forgiving and freeing presence. Sometimes, I even need to be carried and brought there by others, because I’m too paralyzed in my own pride and denial. Forgive and heal the paralysis of my heart. Help me believe in You as the God of my heart and Sovereign of the whole world. Command me to step off the crippling mat of disbelief and walk in faith. Be the gentle and powerful Sovereign of my heart!!! I need You!
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