Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, Priest

First Scripture Reading
Isaiah 11: 1 - 10
Gospel Reading
Luke 10: 21 - 24

Opening Prayer

God, Great Gardener! You promise new plants from old roots and blossoms beyond human dreams. Your coming fills me with such great hope. My heart leaps. You will pour forth Your Spirit in abundance. The wolf and the lamb will lie down together – the tensions and rivalries among and within us will be balanced. The innocence of Your truth will be healing light. The child in me will sing from the mountain top of Your heart. Lord, as You come, ignite the child in me and in all of us. Only children trust and believe in miracles any more. Too many people, and sometimes I myself, am cynical and refuse to dream and expect new plants. May Your birth as a child revive the child in us who grabs Your dreams and rekindles hope for our world – and for ourselves. Come, Lord Jesus, eternal Child that You are! Ignite the spark of the child in us!

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