Friday of the First Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Hebrews 4: 1-5, 11
Gospel Reading
Mark 2: 1-12

Opening Prayer

Lord, increase my faith. Life gets tedious and burdensome. I look forward to the eternal Sabbath rest with You. InSpirit me so that faith has transforming power and life-giving hope within me. Save me from the cynicism of those at the synagogue. I need physical signs of Your forgiving and freeing love. Sometimes I am paralyzed in my own pride, darkness and denial, and need to be carried to You on the mat of other’s faith. Forgive and heal the paralysis of my heart. I want to walk – walk with You! Free me of the crippling mat of my disbelief. Humble me not to second guess Your miracles, but to be grateful for Your mercy, mystery and presence.

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