Opening Prayer
Eternal God, You are a family – Father, Son and Spirit. As You created us in Your divine image, You created us in families. Help us to reverence the people You chose for us – our Mom and Dad – brothers and sisters. Sometimes it is easier to deal with friends I choose rather than family You choose for me. Help us to work our salvation by loving these people You gifted us with. Just as Jesus caused painful hurt in his Mom and Dad, sometimes the blood connection of love is more complicated because of its depth. Thank You for the family You chose for me – even if they were not all I wished they could be or all that I need – gift me with the insight and acceptance to know that they are doing their best, as I am, and to reverence them for who they are: expressions of Your affirming and challenging love. The Holy Family looks so innocent and easy in plaster statues in the manger. Didn’t they have fights, misunderstandings, and angry moments? As they were faithful to each other in the tough and confusing times, help us to be faithful and loving, as You are, Creator God, Eternal Son, and Spirit of Love.
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