Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, I’m embarrassed to admit it, but sometimes I am jealous of John. He was Your beloved disciple and one of Your closest friends. He knew Your secrets – he had hands-on experience of You. He saw You, heard You, and touched You. He was the only one to be there at the end, with Mary, when You were dying. He even ran the quickest to Your tomb when the word came that it was empty. How I long to be so close to You – to rest on Your shoulder – and hug You – and have You hug me! To have his fidelity, friendship, and passionate love for You. Give me the grace today to know that You are really with me as a friend – in Your Risen Body, You live within, among and around me, if I only have the faith to open my eyes and heart – and see You, hear You, and touch You. Thank You for gifting us with John who told and tells us Your story of love. I want his innocent passion and youthful trust of You!
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