Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

First Scripture Reading
Zechariah 2: 14-17
Gospel Reading
Luke 1:26-38 or Luke 1:39-47

Opening Prayer

God of History, Who sides with the poor an oppressed, You sent Your Mother to the oppressed peoples of Mexico at the time of the European conquest. She is one of them. Despite being victims of power, violence and demeaning judgments, You were with them. You raise them in the visit and person of Mary at Guadalupe. She visited Elizabeth as the Ark of the Covenant to bring your new life and hope to the old and sterile. May Mary continue to speak of your ever – offered presence and protection – and Your saving power which uplifts and frees the downtrodden. You are the promise that all evil, pain and death have been and will be overcome by the power of Jesus and through the cooperation of Mary, Your Mother and our Mom. May the image of her victory and the memory of her power excite deeper passion for God’s reign and warm our hearts. As the pregnant Patron of life, may she especially be with mothers of undesired pregnancies and unwanted children today.

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