Opening Prayer
God of Fulfillment, Your message is so uplifting and powerful. No matter how downtrodden, victimized and overwhelmed we are, You are more powerful. You bend and lift us up in Your powerful arms. You breathe free and full life back into us. You are victorious against all the evil, misunderstanding, violence and destruction we create and bring on each other. Thank You for bringing good news and announcing peace in Your Son, Jesus. Help us also to listen to the challenge of His message – that we must let go in order to receive Your breath of life. We are so preoccupied with ourselves, our needs, our voids and our dreams. We become obsessed with our own little worlds as if we were god here. Help us to acknowledge our limits, deny the demonic energy which shrinks us and pulls us inward, and to let go and trust You to be the God of our Universe and life-journey. Be our God of Fulfillment, and teach us to empty ourselves to follow Your Son.
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