Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Isaiah 55: 1-3
Second Scripture Reading
Romans 8: 35, 37-39
Gospel Reading
Matthew 14: 13-21

Opening Prayer

Holy Source of All Life, sometimes I’m thirsty beyond understanding. My hunger is elusive. It drives me to drink and consume everything, and yet I am still thirsty and hungry. Thank You for being the living water Who quenches deeper than I expect, and who nourishes hungers which haven’t hurt me yet. You are the Awesome Provider and Nurturer, Holy God! Teach me to drink and eat deeply of Your life. Empower me not to live in the demonic desert of confusing thirst and self-seeking hunger. Help me not to fear to sacrifice what I have and the ways I try to feed myself, so that Your miraculous and marvelous power can multiply resources so that there is more than enough for everyone. With You as our food and drink, I do not need to hoard. Sustain me, Lord of Life. Sustain us, God of Abundance.

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