Words of St. Therese
My life is but an instant, an hour that passes by; a single day that slips my grasp and quickly slides away. O well, you know, my dearest God, to love you, I only have today.
Our Novena Prayer
Dear St. Therese you wanted everything and dreamed beyond. Teach me today your way of focusing on every detail, every person and every situation. Your heart embraced each opportunity and moment with great love and attention. You are about the simple details – that is why you are so real to me, St. Therese.
Help me to be where I am – focus my heart to seek and see Jesus present wherever I am. Inspirit me with your childlike faith that God is wherever I am. Center me to be present to each breath I breathe, as God gives me life moment by moment.
Help me to allow Jesus to be my center, as He was the total center, focus and love of your life. Befriend me, today, Little Flower, and help me be present to today as the best way to love God, the source and center of my life.