Opening Prayer

St. Therese, beloved friend, we come before you in our need. We believe that you listen to us and approach God for and with us. Please accept these petitions, hopes, needs, and dreams I list below. Please present them to our Loving Father so that God may do what is best for us, for our loved ones, and for the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom. We ask you, dear friend, with the bold confidence and loving surrender you taught us. We make these prayerful petitions in the name of Jesus and through the power of His Spirit.

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Share your prayer petitions below to be included on this public webpage. We ask that you refrain from using last names for privacy reasons.  Your petitions will be remembered by St. Therese’s Carmelites in daily Mass at the National Shrine of St. Therese.

If you would prefer to send your prayers privately, please visit our Private Prayer Petition page.

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Send us your private prayer petitions to be remembered in the daily offices and Mass said by the Carmelites at the National Shrine of St. Therese.

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- United States

Dear St. Therese please intercede for the healing of my hands. DH

Praying to Be a Mom

- United States

Praying to become a Mom,

I pray that Lord Jesus with the help of the intercession of St. Therese will grant us the gift to bear and conceive our first baby. I lift everything to Lord Jesus Christ and everything is according in His Mercy and Blessings. In Jesus Name Amen.



- United States

Dear St. Theresa, thank you Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother and all the Saints, Angels and the Holy Spirit for giving her other options other than surgery for her back right now. I pray that her back pain and leg pain goes away and that her back heals normally and without surgery. Love and adore you xo


- United States

Dear Saint Teresa, please let Sam rest in peace. Please help me get stronger and better. Please heal me. Please don’t let me have cancer or heart trouble. Please help my two sisters and our family and friends have good health, happiness and love. Please keep everyone safe always always and bring us all back to church. Please help Sara life to get stronger and better Miriam also please let Sam Buns aunt Mary Naz Tony rest in peace. Please help Kevin, Rose, Shelly, Jackie and myself to be healthy and feel better. Thank you Saint Teresa for the bottom of my heart. Amen.


- United States

Please grant that my grandson J, will get a job. He has been out of work for 8 months and
is depressed about it. Thank you.


- United States

Dear st. Therese
Please protect me and intercede for me. Help me find the right words to say. Help me keep calm. Protect me from the evil at my job.
In the name of Jesus


- United States

Dear ST. Therese,

Protect and help us to do the right things for our physical and spiritual healing.

M, M, R, F, P



- United States

My dear Little Flower and all here, I beg your prayers and intercession on my behalf. I am suffering some health symptoms and because of my profession I am very fearful of what I believe they may be. I have appointments coming up. I also ask prayer for a work situation in which I believe I am being lied to and deceived and that others are benefiting from it. I pray to GOD to give me HIS divine healing of health but also that HE touch the situation at work and resolve it all in an instant. I pray that GOD bless me with the gift of total health and peace. Thank you. AMEN


- United States

Dear St. Therese please intercede for me, SS, AS, GS, MG, B, S, H, RG, J, U, AG, H, E, RJ, C, G and all our loved ones are safe and healthy in Jesus loving name. Jesus I trust in you. Dear Lord please have mercy on us in Jesus loving name. Please have mercy on the souls of P, A, T and departed loved ones in Jesus loving name. Amen


- United States

Little flower thank you for answered prayers please hear and answer my prayers for financial help to get us back on track with finding moving into paying for and keeping good safe affordable 3 housing for the four of us and pets in Fresno and that I get the loan please bind all obstacles and evil that prevent this cast them to the feet of Jesus please open doors create opportunities soften hearts of those who can help to help like Carmella Robert sandy Jim kathi debi Thelma please protect holy mother church her holy priests end the war convert Russia please save my immortal soul my family's friends immortal souls from hell save our country and world release the souls of purgatory help those in need please remember the soldiers of the rosary the sons and daughters of St Joseph the releasers their respective families please help Jessica with her mental physical and medical issues that she rest restore I pray for baptism of desire for the souls in limbo and that connie leave the littles with nick she go away bind the evil that is Randal Gabriel Olivia Patrick viktor malinda crystal joy Lisa bind Jacobs addiction to weed keep us safe n fed n warm n healthy bind all hackers n thieves from our accounts and belongings bless our finances please restore our belongings that were stolen lost Jacob needs a good safe job n to b in school I need a reliable vehicle nick needs to let us back in to his life my insurance needs to be reinstated in Jesus name I pray


- Canada

Oh Little St Therese child of Jesus, please help me and my husband that we can surpass the storm that we’re facing right now. Touch Oscar’s heart to be calm down. I will surrender everything to you what is the best for my Family.. Pray for us.

In we pray your name. Amen


- United States

Tad has been off and it makes me really nervous. Please let me do good work today. Let him be calmer and me feeling good about what I have done and learned.


- United States

Thank You Jesus please help me please heal me i feel so old and my joints hurt my memory is not as good Jesus help me through these final years please keep Sarah healthy watch over her guide her bless her along with Joe Christina Kyle Rebecca Channing all in our lives and families please help Eileen she is so angry inside i lift up all Your children everywhere please Jesus ask the Father to spare us the birthing pains of Your return please come now i pray for all being persecuted victims of violence war hatred evil Jesus please send me the funds to pay off our debt please please help i need You please thank You i love You


- United States

St. Theresa please ask our holy Father to heal Mindy. May there be no cancer. Please also ask our holy Father to heal Colleen from her cancer surgery. Please also ask our holy Father to bless Nate Chase Lyla Landon Harry Jack Amy and Edward Benjamin and James. Please also ask our holy Father to bless heal Edith Raymond Dennis Alexandra Michelle Jane Susan Ivette and Dave. Please thank our holy Father for answering my prayers for SK a passing grade on his medical residency test. Please also ask our holy Father to bless sbk with success in her medical studies. Thank you. I will forever sing your praises.


- United States

Please pray for me. I have a crt- d since Feb. Pray that my ejection fraction goes up in my next echo. My last echo came unclear. I have to now have one with contrast. I am alone. I worry. My legs were swollen today, which is not good. I hope this swollen legs clears up. Please pray for my health.
