Carmelites, wherever they serve, are dedicated to announcing the Good News to all the people who approach them with love in their different ministries.
For the Carmelites in El Salvador, one way they announce the Good News is by carrying out small group encounters with people throughout their country. Brother Roger Stanley Melara spent Holy Week 2018 in a small community called Los Naranjos. During this week, he discovered how a Christ-centered life helps this small town.
“One of the things that caught my attention is that the community is free of the gangs that are present in much of El Salvador.” This faith-filled community participates in “Developing Ideas,” a movement in which the community seeks to integrate young people so the avoid gangs. The young people in Los Naranjos believe that they have a responsibility to form the new social reality in their country.
The people of Los Naranjos expressed their strong faith and the need for priests to be accessible. Not only priest to conduct Mass and sacraments. But priests who can be a part of their ways of life. “As a Carmelite religious,” Brother Roger states, “I feel challenged and blessed that I can be close to people and fulfill that need.”
These Carmelites work hard to share the love of God in more than 50 countries. These holy men and women work in education, soup kitchens, pastoral work, and so many more vital ministries.
Our Carmelites depend on the prayers and generosity of you and our friends. Because of you, we can fulfill the needs of the poor all over the world. Will you prayerfully consider helping the Carmelites continue their ministries in El Salvador and over the world?