Wednesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Romans 13: 8-10
Gospel Reading
Luke 14: 25-33

Opening Prayer

Jesus, your call is so simple, yet so challenging. You ask us to follow you to the cross – to empty ourselves and surrender that you might fill us and work through us. It is difficult not to focus a lot of my energy on my own needs. I want to be like you and follow you – I really do! But it scares and stretches me that sacrifice is your way! Sacrifice is the foundation of our response to you. You ask us to fulfill the law – by loving others as we love ourselves. Lord, this is difficult! Sometimes I just don’t love myself well! Sometimes, I’m just not that generous! Pour forth your Spirit of Love within me and among us that I might follow you faithfully, gently, courageously and lovingly today. Thank you for trusting me enough to even call me!

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