Monday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Ephesians 4: 32-5: 8
Gospel Reading
Luke 13: 10-17

Opening Prayer

Holy God, You created us in Your image! Your Son dwells within us! You empower us to imitate You. It seems so easy and simple! Why is it so difficult? Why do we make it so complicated? Reignite Your light within us. Cast away all darkness that permeates our attitudes and behaviors. Your Son Jesus broke through ritual taboos by touching the stooped woman. Break through the confining and demeaning taboos of our attitudes, our religious beliefs, our values, and our society. Free and uplift all people from the darkness we condemn them to. Empower us not to discriminate against anyone because of gender, race, religion, socio-economic status, or sexual orientation. There is no Sabbath for Your healing and uplifting salvation. Your Spirit will work and touch until all Your daughters and sons stand tall, empowered with divine dignity.

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