Friday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Romans 9: 1-5
Gospel Reading
Luke 14: 1-6

Opening Prayer

Faithful and healing God, Paul wept because religious people who knew better were not open to Your saving action in Jesus. Yet, I must admit that sometimes I miss the point of faith and our relationship. I miss the ways You act, because I am so focused on my needs and expectations, rather than looking and listening for You! I am sorry that sometimes I have reduced You to a stern lawgiver rather than the passionate Lover. My need to do it right and strictly adhere in obedience to laws sometimes seems more important than growing closer to You and freely responding. I’m sorry for the way I shrink You to a function of my need for security and power. The Pharisees were dumbfounded at the way you placed human compassion above the law. Inspire our religious leaders to free, and not to imprison our hearts. Cure me, as you cured the sick man on the Sabbath. Calm my heart to rest, trusting in your great compassion, rather than Your stern and serious side.

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