Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10
Second Scripture Reading
1 Corinthians 12:12-30
Gospel Reading
Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21

Opening Prayer

Awesome God, the people of old were awed by the power of Your Word.  Rekindle Your Spirit that we today might listen to Your Word with reverence and awe.  Jesus was and is Your Word.  When he spoke in his home synagogue, friends and relatives were awed – Your time of favor was happening in their very midst.  Most awesome is the way You have spoken Your Word in our midst and made us the living Body of Your Christ.  It is humbling how You trust us and have made Yourself dependent on us to create Your Reign.  Your Word is spoken today through our words, actions, attitudes, and silences.  It is awesome and humbling the way You have made us interdependent and connected with each other.  We each are parts of the Body and all parts need each other for Your Body to work well.  Teach each of us and all of us to respect all the other parts, functions, and gifts of the Risen Body of Your Christ.  May Your Word continue to become flesh within and among us.

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