The Baptism of the Lord

First Scripture Reading
Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7
Second Scripture Reading
Acts 10: 34-38
Gospel Reading
Luke 3:15-16, 21-22

Opening Prayer

Embracing and Faithful God, from all eternity You have loved us and betrothed Yourself to us in fidelity. We are born of water and Your Spirit. You continue to penetrate our hearts and our world with freeing and enlightening justice. Just as Jesus was radically open to Your call and Your Spirit, let Your Spirit speak to us and penetrate our being. In Baptism, we are plunged into the death and life of Jesus – and his openness to You. You embraced him as Your beloved Son. Continue to hug him, and in the universal outreach of Your strong arms, embrace us as Your beloved daughters and sons. Your Baptism has given us a new destiny – a new identity – a new life. InSpirit us to continue the ongoing enfleshment of Your Son in our world. Shine within us as a light for others, revealing their dignity, and uplifting them from any oppression or darkness. Bathe us in Your favor.

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