Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Genesis 3:9-15
Second Scripture Reading
2 Corinthians 4:13—5:1
Gospel Reading
Mark 3:20-35

Opening Prayer

Loving God, were you really surprised that Adam and Eve were hiding after doing exactly what you asked them not to?   Nakedly exposed, we often hide in excuses and blame others as they did.  We are thrilled that you promise to protect us from the demonic which leads us astray.  The presence of Jesus and His Spirit, always deep within us, guides us and our conscience to know the larger truth of our connection and responsibility within your garden. Help us not to follow leaders who crawl low and lead us astray from your truth – to make us think life is all about me and what I can get, instead of sharing your bounty, grace and goodness with everyone.  The demonic is always misleading and shrinking us.  Even when His mother and family were concerned about him, Jesus spoke that following God’s will is what is important.  God’s will is that we all be one, as beloved sisters and brothers to each other, working for the justice that defines God’s reign here on earth.  Empower us to be faithful to our responsibility to generate God’s kingdom here on earth by the way we share our resources and not make judgments that exclude.  Continue to pursue us the garden of our lives and revealed Yourself in the ordinary people and experiences of our lives.

Dear Therese of Lisieux, in 1895, as you were beginning the darkest time of the final surrender of your life and expectations to the Beloved Jesus, you made your Oblation to Merciful Love. You offered yourself totally to Love Who is God. Empower us to today with the same spirituality of self-sacrifice and generosity that moved you, Therese, so that we transcend our needs, hurts and hopes and return to God what is already His — our life! InSpirit us to understand the unconditional and all-powerful Mercy of God, especially when fear or insecurity invades our soul.

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