Memorial of Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr

First Scripture Reading
2 Timothy 1: 1-3, 6-12
Gospel Reading
Mark 12: 18-27

Opening Prayer

Holy Spirit, give us the courage of Christ. When life becomes tedious, confusing and challenging, inSpirit us with hope. I’m sorry for the cowardice and self-pity that sometimes imprisons my soul. As Christ overcame death, help me to overcome all aspects of the culture of death within and around me. Empower each of us to be life-giving until Your final End of Days, when Your reign will be established and justice and peace shall reign. Continue to be our God of life, calling us to rise beyond our needs, heritage and history. Burn within us, Eternal Fire, casting off all darkness and fear. You are the ancient God Who is more faithful than we can imagine and Whose reign is life beyond human dreams.

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