Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest

First Scripture Reading
1 Tm 6:13-16
Gospel Reading
Lk 8:4-15

Opening Prayer

Jesus, are you looking at me as you tell this parable?  Am I hardened, cynical ground which the seed of your Word has difficulty penetrating?  Am I a soul dried up because I do not water our relationship by time in prayer with you?  Am I lost among the briers, thorns and weeds, choking off your grace, because I am so self-serving and choose to live in the darkness?  I want to be the good soil which embraces the seed of your presence and allows your Word to blossom and grow in our world.  Even though you have gone before us, Jesus, return and till again my soul, dig deeper within me and water me with the life of your Spirit.

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