Fourth Sunday of Easter

First Scripture Reading
Acts 13: 14, 43-52
Second Scripture Reading
Revelations 7: 9, 14b-17
Gospel Reading
John 10: 27-30

Opening Prayer

Good Shepherd, You are so powerful! You are so gentle! You are the temple of God and invite us into pasture of the Divine Presence. Your call reaches more and more, even though those who were supposed to know Your Voice seem to ignore it. Save us from the narrowness of our own righteousness. You reveal eternal life in the land of promise, where the deserts of persecution and misunderstanding will be refreshed and blossom by the springs of life-giving waters which flow from Your Presence. We will be enthroned in Your Presence and tears will never again sadden our hearts. Teach us never to be jealous of the success of others, especially those who don’t understand. InSpirit us never to destroy, diminish or darken. Make us Your Light which brightens others, created in Your Image and baptized in Your Spirit.

Lord Jesus, today we also celebrate the anniversary of St. Therese’s First Communion.  Remembering how excited she was about this first personal and intimate contact with you, help us always to be as excited about you and as loving of you as she was and is.  Teach us again to appreciate the depth of your love for us and the intimacy of your presence in the Blessed Sacrament and every moment of our day.

Bless our Moms today, and all the women who give us life and nurture us, as a reflection and human expression of Your maternal love for us!

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