Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

First Scripture Reading
Hosea 14: 2-10
Gospel Reading
Matthew 10: 16-23

Opening Prayer

Faithful One, You always call us back! In our aridity, You are refreshing dew which returns each morning. In our senseless reliance on resources other than You, You remain as faithful as cedars, oaks and ancient trees. You continue to feed and nourish us that we might blossom and discover again that we flourish in Your light, and are rooted in Your life. When our lives get confusing, clouded in darkness, and Your message divides rather than unites, help us to remain faithful, Sturdy God – as faithful as You have been to us. Empower us not to give up too easily on others, because You do not give up on us!

St. Therese, we are aware that in 1858, your parents, Zelie Guerin and Louis Martin, were married this day. They had both pursued other vocations as a Nun and Priest, but God called them together into the holy vocation of marriage — and they produced a holy and wonderful family. Help us to reverence marriage as a reflection and sacrament of God’s covenant and faithfulness to us. As parents, help us instill a great spirituality of the holiness of all life into our children.

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