Friday of the First Week of Advent

First Scripture Reading
Isaiah 29: 17-24
Gospel Reading
Matthew 9: 27-31

Opening Prayer

Holy One, our God, Your promised coming is a time of transformation and correction. The blind will see! The deaf will hear! The lowly will stand tall! Sometimes I am groping blindly and do not see or look for the ways You are acting! Sometimes I am so deaf that I do not hear Your footsteps. Sometimes I try to be so righteous, high and mighty that I warp all reality and shrink Your world. Like the blind people, I cry out to You for help. I am confident that You can and will help me, even if I do not know exactly what I need. Come, Lord Jesus! Correct my vision; open the ears of my spirit; transform my heart, so that I and others will know that You are the Holy One rising in our midst.

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